FKC Faves: 5 Best YA Book Series for Adult Readers

Best YA Book Series to Read

Book Recommendations: YA Books Series to Read (Even as an Adult)

“Young Adult,” or “YA” is a strange way to label a massive genre of literature.  I find it a little misleading, limiting, and just plain odd. As an intense lover of books – VARIOUS types of books – and someone with a Master’s in English Literature, I consider myself fairy “in the know” about books.  So, I feel confident in my ability to say that if you are an adult, and you don’t read books labeled YA because you feel that you are not their target audience and therefore wouldn’t like them, you are likely missing out. 

I don’t believe in “guilty pleasures.” As the magnificent Dave Grohl says, “I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you fucking like something, like it. … That whole guilty pleasure thing is full of fucking shit.”  You heard the man. Don’t be afraid to like what you like. I take that advice all the time, and that is what led me to start down the rabbit role of reading YA literature, particularly YA Fantasy. 

Why YA Books Are For You 

And, once I started, I really couldn’t stop.  I have discovered so many creative, fun, and truly badass writers. I tend to prefer female authors, and I love me a strong female character.  I’m also a sucker for a love story of some kind, though I typically like there to be some adventure thrown in, too. Most of all, I want to read solid characters – round, developed characters with some top-notch dialogue.  That is what really sells me – if I can feel invested in the characters, I can feel invested in the book. 

That said, here is my list of the 10 Best YA Book Series for Adult Readers.  Clearly, I have not read all the YA Series out there, so this list is not really the “best of all time,” more like “the best I’ve read lately.” I like a series, because once I attach to characters, I want to be with them for a while, so I’ve excluded stand-alone books. 

Will you love all of them? Probably not.   Am I missing some really amazing series on this list? I fully expect I am.  So, be sure to tell me what you think – what you’d add to the list, especially, in the comments.

(This post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure policy here.)

What to read

A Note About Formats – Audiobook vs. Ebook vs. Physical Books

There may not be anything I love more than holding a physical book in my hand, turning over the pages, and breathing it in.  I LOVE books. Actual books – especially the well-worn, slightly musty kind.

That said, I was reluctant to ever read an ebook or listen to an audiobook. But, I’ve discovered that there is a place and time for all three format in my life, and I’m not a traitor to my paper and ink if I pop in my Air Pods or swipe through an ebook in a waiting room. 

I love the ability to read a physical book – I love the look and feel of them – I like to be surrounded by them.  But I also like the convenience of being able to read on the go with just my phone – on a plane or waiting for my kids at Ninja class. So, I also download ebooks.  

Similarly, I am a knitter, crocheter, walker and puzzler.  So, I listen to a lot of audiobooks. I love the ability to combine my love of reading and my other hobbies.  So I listen to plenty of audiobooks, too.  

So, you’ll see that in my recommendations below, I’m also liking to the ebooks and the audiobooks.  Give them a try. I promise, you will learn to love all three formats.  

Try Audible for Free

Pro tip – signing up for an Audible membership has been the best thing I’ve done in a long time.  I utilize the digital resources from my local libraries – and I mean, I really utilize the heck out of them – my holds shelves are always full, but sometimes I cannot wait the 19 Weeks or whatever to get the next book in a series.  So, while I love the fact that I can listen to audiobooks and read ebooks for free from the library, I also sometimes NEED to listen to the next book in a series before it’s available. So, I signed up for Audible and I really love it.  So, if you want to give Audible a try, they offer a free trial (which is how they got me), which you can sign up for right here: Audible Free Trial.

5 YA Book Recommendations 

  1. A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas

Books Included: A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, A Court of Wings and Ruin, A Court of Frost and Starlight

What it is: A fantasy adventure with romance and a lot of style. Sort of a fairytale “retelling,” but quite a bit more than that. 

Why I liked it: Honestly, the main reason I enjoyed the first book was because I wasn’t sure how it was going to end.  I was anxious to see where the series was going to go. Also, there were some characters that really intrigued me, and they proved to be even more intriguing as the series progressed. The second and third books in the series were the best, by far.

Notable quote: “Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.” – Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

A Court of Thorns and Roses Box Set
  1. The Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare

What it is:  A prequel series to the City of Bones series about Shadowhunters, those who fight dark forces in the world. Supernatural underworld, swoon-worthy characters – you get the point.

Why I liked it: In my opinion, this prequel series is better than the original books, mainly due to the Victorian Era London setting and the character development.

Notable quote: “Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” – Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

The Infernal Devices Box Set
  1. The Selection Series by Kiera Cass

What it is:  A dystopian, elegant “bachelor” style novel that somehow manages to pull you in and keep you engaged. It’s a mix between a reality competition and the hunger games – if the hunger games contestants didn’t kill one another and wore ball gowns.

Why I liked it: I honestly didn’t think I’d like this series, but I got reeled in. I am a sucker for a good love triangle (or square, or rhombus, or trapezoid). Class differences and political scheming add layers of depth, making it an overall engaging read.

Notable quote: “I should have known that if any girl was going to disobey an order, it would be you.”― Kiera Cass, The Selection

The Selection Series Box Set
  1. Red Queen Series by Victoria Aveyard

What it is: The series follows Mare Barrow, a badass female warrior in a dystopian society that is comprised of two classes: the silver-blooded rulers and the red-blooded oppressed.

Why I liked it: I got a lot of Hunger Games vibes from this book, but it did some different things, too. There were some morally ambiguous characters, which I always love. Similarly, the abilities/powers of the characters were more sci-fi and different from what I’ve seen before.

Notable quote: “The truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain.” ― Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen

Red Queen Box Set
  1. Simon Snow Series by Rainbow Rowell

What it is: The Simon Snow Series, at the time I’m writing this, is two books, Carry On and Wayward Son. The third book, Any Way the Wind Blows, is apparently in the works. The series is a fantasy series about magical beings, a la Harry Potter, with plenty of mystery, drama, romance and humor.

Why I liked it: The DIALOGUE! The INTERIOR MONOLOGUE! This book was not something I was sure I’d enjoy, but man, did Simon Snow convince me with his narration. And then I met Baz, and it was all downhill from there. The characters are so alive, entertaining, funny and lovable.

Notable quote: “You were the sun, and I was crashing into you. I’d wake up every morning and think, ‘This will end in flames.” ― Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

So, tell me – which of these are you looking forward to reading? What would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments! 

Book recommendations for adults

Let’s Connect! 

Want to see what I’m reading or, better yet, keep track of your own reading and get some spot-on recommendations? Head over to Goodreads! You can “friend” me right here:

Want to talk books, fandom, or crafts? Join me and a whole community of fandom-lovers in the free, private facebook group “Fandom Knitting & Crochet – Group.” I’d love to see you there!

You should also hop over to the sidebar and subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date on all the new patterns. 

Also, head over to Instagram and follow me to see the latest updates and @fandom.knitting.crochet.

2018 Fandom Knitting + Crochet Awards – Winners

Fandom Knitting and Crochet 2018 Award Winners

And the winners are…

2018 was a HUGE year for Fandom Knitting + Crochet. Why? Well, it was this blog and community’s birth year! I started this blog in March of 2018 to share my love of fandom-inspired knitting and crocheting, and I was just crossing my fingers that I would find other crafters with similar interests out there in the world.

And…I did! I am so grateful for the fantastic, supportive, inspiring community that is the Fandom Knitting + Crochet Group (which you should totally join if you haven’t already), and these awards are just an indication of the amount of complete geekiness and craftiness and fandom-ness that happen on this blog and in that group.

2018 Fandom Knitting + Crochet Award Categories, Nominations & Votes

The idea of creating our own FKC Awards was really the result of two things. 1) I LOVE awards shows, top 10 (or any number, really) lists, countdowns, etc. and 2) I wanted to have a sort-of time capsule of what was “in” and beloved by people in this group at the end of a year as a sort of recap for posterity.

The categories were just things I thought people would like to vote on and things that we often discuss in the FKC community. Looking back, there are some categories I would like to add, but there’s always next year. (If you have suggestions for categories, let me know in the comments.)

After a call for nominations in those categories, I took the most requested nominees and put together a quick ballot. Voting took place for about a week, and the results were then tallied.

So, without further delay….here are our 2018 Fandom Knitting + Crochet Award Winners!

And the Winners Are…

So, that’s it, folks. We can close the book on 2018 and start discussing all our current faves in 2019!

Let’s Connect!

I’d love to hear what your thoughts are – which winners do you find surprising? What categories would you like to see next year (song of the year, perhaps)? Let us know in the comments!

Are you a Fandom Knitting + Crochet group member on Facebook? If so, good decision. 😉 If not, come on over and join us! Join the group right here.

Want to keep up with all the latest updates from Fandom Knitting + Crochet? Free patterns, yarn suggestions, tips + tutorials, nonsensical annual awards…of course you do! Subscribe to our mailing list right here.

2018 Fandom Knitting & Crochet Awards – Nominate Your Favorites

I. Love. Awards. At the end of any year, my favorite way to procrastinate is reading all the Top 100s of the year, the year’s best books lists, the American Top 40 Countdown, the Oscar predictions. So, I got to thinking – why not create our own awards here at FKC?

What you’ll find here is a list of 20 categories – all related to fandom, knitting, and crochet.  What I need from you is your help creating the ballot.  This is a call for nominations! I have the categories here – I just want to know who and what you’d like to see make the ballot for voting.  So, please take a few minutes to nominate your favorites!

2018 FKC Awards Nomination Form

Guest Post: Alex from Two Hearts Crochet Shares Princes Graphs

Guest Post: Alex from Two Hearts Crochet Shares 11 “Princes” Graphs

Guest Contributor, Alex of Two Hearts Crochet, Shares 11 Graphs of “Princes” or  Male Lead Disney Characters

I cannot explain how thrilled I am that Alex from Two Hearts Crochet is sharing some of her graphing magic with us here at Fandom Knitting + Crochet!  If you are unfamiliar with her blog, she is the graphgan guru, a real-life crochet master.

Truly, I am so beyond excited to share her fabulous new graphs with you, not only because they are spectacular, but because it means a lot to me to collaborate with a fellow fangirl/nerdy crafter.  As anyone in the Fandom Knitting and Crochet Group or Two Hearts Crochet Family groups on Facebook know, it is all about supporting and building up one another.  Alex was kind enough to share some of her talents and knowledge with me (and us) and I am so grateful.

Without further ado, here is Alex’s guest post.  Enjoy!

*Disclaimer: This is solely a not-for-profit fan art activity, and in no way intends to infringe on copyrights held by Disney, Disney Enterprises, or other professional Disney-related agencies.

Guest Post Begins Here!

Hi! My name is Alex, and I am super excited to be guest posting here on the Fandom Knitting + Crochet blog.

Here’s a little snippet about me: I live in eastern Washington state (which is currently on fire, as per usual this time of year). I spend as much of my free time crocheting as possible, though I’ve been dabbling in both cross stitch and acrylic painting over the last several months. I’m a bit of a nerd myself, and I started my own blog as a way to share my nerdy crochet patterns.

A few years back, I posted amigurumi doll patterns on my blog for each of the Disney princesses. After the phenomenal response to the dolls, I knew I wanted to offer other “nerdy” patterns and designs!

I can’t list all of my fandoms here for you (we’d be here all day!), but I can tell you that my favorites are Doctor Who, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Supernatural. Of course, I love all things related to Disney and Pixar, and I’ve just recently fallen in love with the Netflix original series Anne With an “E”, so if there’s a fandom for that, count me in!

My blog is called Two Hearts Crochet (time lord, you know?), and it’s grown a lot in the last few years. I offer mainly amigurumi patterns and graphghan designs featuring different nerdy/fandom characters, but I am also starting to offer a few home décor items and even some garments! I also share lots of tips and crochet resources, and I even teach a couple of online “ecourses”—one on making amigurumi dolls and one on making graphghans!

Okay, now for the good stuff!

For my guest post, I wanted to share with you some brand new graph designs I made that can either be used on their own OR can be paired with the graphs for my Disney Princess & Villains graphghan.

I’ve been wanting to make these graphs for a long time, and this opportunity to guest blog here at Fandom Knitting + Crochet was the perfect excuse to get started.

There are 11 princes (or otherwise male-lead characters) included in this pattern set:

  • Prince Florian (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  • Prince Henry/Prince Charming (Cinderella)
  • Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
  • Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
  • The Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Aladdin (Aladdin)
  • John Smith (Pocahontas)
  • Li Shang (Mulan)
  • Prince Naveen (The Princess & The Frog)
  • Eugene/Flynn Rider (Tangled)
  • Kristoff (Frozen)

These graphs were designed to match the style of the other graphs in the Disney Princess & Villains graphghan, which were used with the Mini Corner-to-Corner stitch. As such, the arrows on these graphs are for use with Mini C2C (or regular C2C—either one works!)

Also included with each graph is a list of suggested yarn colors. For the Disney Princess & Villains graphghan, I recommended using Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice yarns. To remain consistent with that recommendation, I decided to suggest the same yarn for these Disney Princes graphs.

These graphs turned out better than even I imagined! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’m especially happy without both Beast and Aladdin turned out.

Download the graphs here: Disney Prince Graphs.

I hope you enjoy these graph designs as much as I’ve enjoyed making them! They’re a perfect addition to the graphs for my Disney Princess & Villains graphghan. You can mix-and-match to make a blanket that’s truly unique!

For more graphghan goodness, I encourage you to visit my blog—there are lots of free patterns available to choose from!

Fandom Spotlight: Women of Disney

The spotlight is on the Women of Disney (at least a few of them)! Get knitting and crochet patterns, yarns inspired by the characters, and some awesome fandom gear.

Women of Disney-Inspired Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Yarn, and Fandom Gear

Welcome to the second-ever Fandom Spotlight here at Fandom Knitting & Crochet!  The first one, our Harry Potter Fandom Spotlight, was so much fun to put together, and I got such wonderful feedback I decided to continue the series.  So, today, I bring you the Women of Disney.

So, why not Disney Princesses?  Well, I thought about that, and some of them aren’t really princesses.  So, I got to thinking, how about Disney Royals?  Well, that didn’t give the right “girl power” vibe, so I went with Women of Disney.

What you’ll find here is a collection of hand-picked knitting patterns, crochet patterns, yarn, and fandom gear that I personally love and find oh-so-fitting for celebrating the Women of Disney in the proper crafty fandom fashion.  While there are some “literal” interpretations of the characters these patterns and yarns inspire, I (as always) have also included a nice sampling of more loosely-related selections. 🙂

I hope you enjoy!

(This post contains affiliate links.  All opinions are my own.)

10 Women of Disney – Inspired Knitting & Crochet Patterns

While these patterns and are not officially associated with Disney, the inspiration can be seen if you are looking. 🙂 Here’s a round-up of some of my favorites to knit and crochet (some are my free designs, and some are fabulous patterns from other designers.)

  1. Rapunzel Scarf by Kate Lonsdale (Free Knitting Pattern)
  2. Disney Frozen Anna Doll by SarahBeth on Ravelry (Paid Crochet Pattern)
  3. Merida (Scarf) by Melissa G Martinez (Paid Knitting Pattern)
  4. Brave Scottish Princess Doll by Jana Whitley (Paid Crochet Pattern)
  5. Elsa’s Cable Socks by Valya Boutenko (Paid Knitting Pattern)
  6. Elsa (Shawl) by Christopher Salas (Free Knitting Pattern)
  7. Frozen Elsa Flip Doll by The Knitted Toybox (Free Knitting Pattern)
  8. Princess Anna Crochet Hat by Over the Apple Tree (Free Crochet Pattern)
  9. Ariel Cardigan by Simone Francis (Paid Crochet Pattern)
  10. Ariel Shawl by Kelly Spenhoff (Paid Knitting Pattern)

Royalty-worthy Yarn: Yarns Fit for a Princess

If you are looking for some perfectly princess-worthy yarn to create one of the projects above (or one of your own), I suggest using a yarn that comes in a variety of Women of Disney-type colors.

My recommendation for a general yarn is Swish DK from Knit Picks.  It is superwash, squishy, lovely, and affordable.  The best part is all of the colors! I have curated some of them in Disney-inspired combos in the photo above.  Here are the exact colors I pulled together:

  • For Elsa: Wonderland Heather
  • For Rapunzel: Sugar Plum & Carnation
  • For Merida: Rainforest Heather
  • For Snow: Dusk, Serrano, and Honey
  • For Tiana: Green Tea Heather
  • For Belle: Honey
  • For Anna: Bordeaux, Blak & Dusk

You can get all of these colors from Knit Picks right here.

Women of Disney Gear – Fandom Product Finds

So, if you’re like me, you want to show off your fandom.  It’s not just picking fandom-related projects to knit and crochet and carefully selecting yarn.  Sometimes it’s also about finding a cute fandom item that just brings a smile to your face.  So, if you’re looking for some Women of Disney fandom gear, here are my picks:

  • Mrs. Potts Ceramic Teapot available here.
  • Women’s Princess T-Shirt available here.
  • Disney Villians Faux Leather Handbag available here.

Want to See a Fandom Spotlight of Your Favorite Book, Series, or Movie?  Let Me Know!

If you want to give a suggestion for a fandom spotlight round-up of patterns, yarns, and products, comment here or let me know in the Fandom Knitting & Crochet Facebook Group.  Also, please keep in touch! Join the email newsletter list to get the latest updates on yarn and fandom goodies!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Fandom Spotlight: Harry Potter

Our spotlight is on Harry Potter! Find knitting and crochet patterns, yarns inspired by the books and films, and fandom gear!

Harry Potter House Colors Yarn

Harry Potter-Inspired Knitting and Crochet Yarn, Patterns, and Fandom Gear

Our very first Fandom Spotlight feature here on the Fandom Knitting + Crochet blog is Harry Potter themed.  So, what’s a Fandom Spotlight?  Well, it is a collection of knitting, crochet, yarn, and fandom gear related to a particular fandom.  Different fandoms will be featured, but I thought I’d start with a big one, and there aren’t many fandoms bigger than Harry Potter.

So, if you want to knit, crochet, yarn shop, get yourself some Hogwarts swag, this is my go-to guide.  I’ve rounded up some of my absolute favorite Harry Potter goodies, and I hope you enjoy!

(This post contains affiliate links.)

Harry Potter-inspired Knitting and Crochet Patterns

Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet Patterns

While these patterns and are not officially associated with Harry Potter, the inspiration can be seen if you are looking. 🙂 Here’s a round-up of some of my favorites to knit and crochet (some are my free designs, and some are fabulous patterns from other designers.)

Harry Potter-inspired Knitting Patterns:

Harry Potter-inspired Crochet Patterns:

Harry Potter house colors yarn.

Hogwarts-worthy Yarn

Here’s a sampling of some of the coolest Harry Potter-inspired yarn.  There are so many wonderful dyers that use The Boy Who Lived and his world as their inspiration, and there are also some fabulous solids that work well for the classic house scarves.

1 (1)

Hogwarts House Colors

For the house scarves and the beanies, I really like Lion Brand’s Heartland Yarn.  They have perfect combos for Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff fans.

  1. Gryffindor: Redwood & Yellowstone
  2. Ravenclaw: Lake Clark & Mammoth Cave
  3. Slytherin: King’s Canyon & Mount Rainier
  4. Hufflepuff: Yellowstone & Black Canyon

5 Specialty Yarns Inspired by Harry Potter

  1. Maurader’s Map by HeartlandHues on Etsy
  2. Hogwart’s Castle by thesexyknitter on Etsy
  3. Tonk’s Hair by SixandSevenFiber on Etsy
  4. Lovegood by GooseyFibers on Etsy
  5. Master Has Given Dobby a Sock by RetoldYarns on Etsy
Harry Potter-themed yarn and patters to knit and crochet.

Harry Potter Gear – Fandom Product Finds

I know I can’t pass up an awesome Harry Potter item! I, of course, need to show off my fandom while going about my day, so I’ve rounded up some of my favorite products to share with you.

  1. Harry Potter Project Bag
  2. Hufflepuff Trucker Hat
  3. Marauder’s Map Notebook
  4. Polyjuice Potion Mug
  5. Harry Potter Paperback Box Set, Books 1-7

Want to See a Fandom Spotlight of Your Favorite Book, Series, or Movie?  Let Me Know!

If you want to give a suggestion for a fandom spotlight round-up of patterns, yarns, and products, comment here or let me know in the Fandom Knitting & Crochet Facebook Group.  Also, please keep in touch! Join the email newsletter list to get the latest updates on yarn and fandom goodies!